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Summer Flash Sale
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real estate agents

Realtors, how to sell fractional real estate

Realtor selling fractional real estate introductions

introduce us

Introduce us to your client who is exploring opportunities to invest in a share of a Fraxioned home. Let us assist you in educating your clients on the benefits of co-ownership opportunities.

we take Care of the rest

Once your introduction is made, our sales team will seamlessly take over. We handle all aspects of the process, from closing the sale to managing paperwork and finalizing details. Sit back, relax, and leave the rest to us.

Hiking southern Utah trails fractional real estate
Realtor selling fractional real estate

you get paid

Once the sale is successfully completed and funded, you will promptly receive your 3% commission fee for facilitating the introduction to the buyer.

want to learn more?

Learn how to expand your real estate business with Fraxioned


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